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We are a community deeply committed to our Christian faith, seeking to know God better.

We openly welcome newcomers to our community and embrace new ideas.

 We are faith community who are supportive of one another,
the broader church and the community in which we all belong.



We value creative and thought-provoking preaching and worship styles which includes a variety in the musical selections shared, both vocal and instrumental. We embrace contemporary and traditional approaches using imaginative and dramatic presentation of scriptures. We encourage active participation of the congregation to become involved in the life of the worship service. As we worship, we are open to questioning and sharing insights on our Christian journey together in conversation and in our various congregational activities.



The church is called to do the work of Christ in the world as the hands and feet of Jesus today. We provide opportunities for people to encounter God and be

transformed by God’s grace. We help people who are suffering and desire to walk alongside them. We care for all of God’s creation and commit to using the earth’s resources wisely. Therefore, we care for all of God’s children and the good creation in which we have inherited.



Everything we have is a gift from God. We are stewards of God’s good creation and our unique gifts and talents. We examine and challenge our attitudes towards money and the way we allocate our time and talents. Therefore, we seek to discover and use the gifts which God has given to us for the good of all we encounter in our journey of life.



To foster outreach, we believe it is important to be a truly loving, supportive, inclusive community where all are welcomed and appreciated for who they identify to be. We strive to understand our local neighbourhood, its residents and its needs by reaching out in various ways that touch others personally and where they most desire help.



As disciples, we desire to learn more about our Christian faith and foster learning for all ages through various activities and worship. Therefore opportunities to broaden our understanding of the faith and the world are pursued by bible study, personal reflection, prayer, community sharing and worship.


Mission Statement


As an affirming congregation with faith in God, we seek to share the good news of Jesus Christ, pursue justice for all, care for one another,

our community and the earth. We strive to fulfill our mission statement through our interactions with each other in community,

through our experiences of prayerful worship, study, service and care of our faith.


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