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Life & Work of
Fallingbrook Presbyterian Church


35 Wood Glen Road, Toronto, ON M1N 2V8 416-699-3084

Offering/Pre-Authorized Remittance: Jim Stark 416-691-8035

Minister: the Rev. Angela J. Cluney 416-824-3772


Music Director: Nick Jessome E-mail:



A Warm Welcome awaits you each Sunday at Fallingbrook!! 10:30 a.m. Worship Service with the Rev. Angela J. Cluney. Livestreaming option starts at 10:25 a.m. at with a musical prelude by our Music Director Nick Jessome. Worship is followed by a time of Fellowship in the Friendship Hall.


We give thanks for all who help make our worship services a blessing. Fallingbrook is a faithful family called to worship and love the Lord as we are loved!


Mondays: 9:15-11:15 a.m. Wee Folk Spread the word about our play program for up to 4 years old & their caregivers.


Last MONDAY of the month, 2 p.m. Hobby Circle: (hobbies, chats & pets via Zoom).  Meeting ID: 836 8271 0177   Passcode: 781135


CHOIR: NO choir practice on Thursday, October 31st. Practices will resume on Thursday, November 7th as preparations for Advent and Christmas Eve begin. All are welcome. 

Christmas Bazaar: Saturday, November 9th, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thank you for supporting our fundraising efforts.


"Muffin time!” The Tea Room at this year’s bazaar is looking for your delicious homemade muffins to serve. Please let Sue or Lynn know if you can make a dozen of your favourite recipe. Parchment papers are available.


Silent Auction Items Needed: If you have something you would like to donate to the Silent Auction section, please drop it off to the Office or see Marion as she returns after Oct. 30.


Great News! Our new boiler and hot water tank have been installed!! If you would like to contribute towards the cost, please mark your offering: Furnace. The donations will go into the General Fund to help cover its cost (over $21,000.00). A special thank you to Siegi Kaminski for his work on this and to Bear Mechanical for their fast response and donation of labour and hours.

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