With faith in God, we seek to share the good news of Jesus Christ, pursue justice for all,
care for one another, our community and the earth.
Blessings Box
The congregation and neighbours have been stocking food and personal items in our Blessings Box which is located on the church's property accessible to anyone in need within the community. In these times of food insecurity that we are encountering as a society, items from this box are constantly being replenished, thanks to the bountiful donations made.
Please feel free to add to or take what you need from our Blessings Box. Donations of nonperishable food and products as well food that does not need to be refrigerated are most welcomed and appreciated. Together we can make a difference!
Take What You Need! Leave What You Can!
Covid-19 Support Project
Fallingbrook was pleased to have three energetic sewers who answered the call from Michael Garron Hospital (formerly East York General) when they requested cloth masks to provide protection to visitors to the hospital. Over 150 cloth masks were donated. In addition, masks were sold to members of the congregation and the TTC with the proceeds donated to our partner food bank: The Bluffs Food Bank.
Annual Mission Project
Each year the Mission Committee leads the congregation in an Annual Mission Project to support of a worthy cause either in our local community, city, Canada, or overseas.
During 2018 the project involved the work of Presbyterian World Service and Development (PWS&D) in Afghanistan, concentrating on educational opportunities for girls. The link for PWS&D is found here.
The 2019 project raised $3855 in support of Boarding Homes Ministry. Although we titled our fundraising efforts "the underwear fund", the money was used at the discretion of the Executive Director to enhance the lives of people whom they visit in rooming houses in Toronto, including buying new underwear as needed. Thanks to all who donated so generously.
For more information about Boarding Homes Ministry, visit their website by clicking here.
In 2021, Fallingbrook Presbyterian Church raised $3,271.00 for Food Insecurity in our local neighbourhood. We divided the proceeds between The Bluffs Food Bank to buy grocery cards for much needed supplies for the clients and to provide much needed resources and supplies for our Blessings Box found at the church in the front yard. Thank you to all who gave so generously!
Annual Christmas Project
Each year, friends and members of Fallingbrook Presbyterian Church help to restock the supply of kits (relief, school, sewing, hygiene) which are distributed by The Mennonite Central Committee. These kits go to disaster areas all around the world throughout the year. Bags and instructions of what to include are available at the start of the Advent Season and can be viewed here: Hygiene kits , School Kits , Sewing kits ., Relief Kits . Completed kits may be brought in and put under the Christmas tree in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Please contact the Church Office to participate.
Food Drive
For the past 40 years the first Saturday in December has brought a special annual project to Fallingbrook. We knock on doors in the immediate vicinity of the church and are rewarded with a generous response of food donations. Due to COVID, Fallingbrook has decided to turn to a new fundraiser by encouraging online donations for The Bluffs Food Bank to support their purchase of much needed supplies to feed those who come to the food bank on Thursdays for much needed support. We are pleased as a community of faith to reach out to our neighbours with assistance. Can you join us this year?
Bluffs Food Bank
The Churches by the Bluffs Food Bank opened in 2003 and is supported by five area churches, including Fallingbrook Presbyterian. The Food Bank is open on Thursdays and supports many who are suffering from food insecurity within the community.
We are happy to support the work of the food bank through monetary and gift card support.
Several members of Fallingbrook volunteer at the food bank each week and the minister and one of the congregation members serve on the board as directors. To link to their website, click here.
The Bluffs Food Bank, 33 East Rd. (1 block north of Kingston Road., west off Warden Ave.): 416-694-4081
East End Refugee Committee
EERC is planning to sponsor an individual or family in immediate need accepted by the UN and Canadian government as well as a named family from Afghanistan if they can safely leave.
You can donate to EERC through Kingston Road United Church, 975 Kingston Road and an income tax receipt will be provided.
Options: a) Send an e-transfer to donations@kruc.ca “For the EERC” in the Memo section.
Security question, “Who is this money for?” Answer “EERCKRU”.
b) Drop off cheques or cash in an envelope. Make the cheque out to Kingston Rd. United Church with ‘Donation for East End Refugee Fund’ in the re: line. Put this into the mailbox at the top of the ramp if the church is closed. Thank you for your support.
Presbyterian World Service & Development
PWS&D is an agency of The Presbyterian Church in Canada that supports relief and enrichment projects in partnership with other Christian organizations, such as ACT Alliance. It is the development arm of The Presbyterian Church which reaches out to assist people across the world and in Canada who need assistance to live a healthy and safe lives. Due to natural and human created disasters, emergency care and relief aid requested in times such as: COVID and the war in Afghanistan, there is great need for many on God’s earth.
Thanks to donations, opportunities for education, development and supplies are provided for many. We are pleased to join with Presbyterians who come together to support the Church’s work. PWS&D reaches out in love and support. These projects help alleviate suffering and lead to self-sufficiency. To link to their website, click here.
Fallingbrook supports PWS&D through our weekly collections in our Celebrations "Mission Jar", and through congregational donations.
The people of Fallingbrook Presbyterian Church are committed to giving and to serving others in the name of Christ.