With faith in God, we seek to share the good news of Jesus Christ, pursue justice for all,
care for one another, our community and the earth.
Worship Services
Worship services take place on Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m. In person and on Facebook Live through streaming on our Church Website by accessing the video page on this website.
Services start with a Musical Prelude at 10:20 a.m. by our Music Director, Nick Jessome and are led by our Minister, the Rev. Angela J. Cluney.
Church bulletins and congregational announcements are e-mailed out weekly to those on our mailing list. If you would like to join our e-blast, please fill in the subscription to our mailing list.
Order of Service bulletins are available for our services along with PowerPoint to aid in following our worship.
Services of worship include prayer, music, scripture, sermon messages and silent meditation. Together the service elements invite us to become one with God in a personal and spiritual relationship. We pray you might join us for one of our services.
Music is a delightful and integral part of our worship at Fallingbrook. The members of the choir love to sing a wide variety of music to the glory of God. We would love to welcome newcomers to join us to glorify and praise God.
To learn more about our choir or practices, please contact our Interim Music Director.
The choir strives to meet a high musical standard in new and exciting choral genres. From time to time, guest musicians participate in the worship service.
Christian Education for all ages
We joyfully welcome all ages to our worship service and our activities as a way to get to know God’s love. We hope that our time together will help us all grow as followers of Jesus Christ in the world today.
At this time Sunday School is provided on Zoom biweekly and during outdoor activities.
Fallingbrook Presbyterian Church follows the Leading with Care Policy of The Presbyterian Church in Canada, including up to date police checks for volunteers of all programs.
Babies and younger children are welcome to stay in the service with their parents either in their seats or at the activity table in the Cozy Corner of the Sanctuary. Some choose to listen from within our wired-for-sound nursery room in the upstairs balcony.
Messy Church is provided four times a year as COVID Protocol allows. Messy Church allows an intergenerational learning experience with a scriptural message. This is a wonderful way to get acquainted with your neighbourhood friends and the church community.
There are a variety of Christian Education Activities available for adults including: Mission events for justice, Bible and Prayer Studies, and Book Club.