As an affirming congregation with faith in God, we seek to share the good news of Jesus Christ, pursue justice for all,
care for one another, our community and the earth.

E-Transfer Donations
If you would like to donate to the church via e-transfer from your bank, please use the email address:
Thank you for your gift of generosity.
Indicate your name and how you want your gift allocated in the Message section. Please send e-transfers for one donation at a time, example: General Offering, Session Fund or Memorial Fund.
PAR: Pre-Authorized Remittance
Giving by Cheque
A form of giving where a monthly amount is automatically deducted from your bank account to support this church, with gifts to this local congregation, Mission & Service or a fund within this church.
Cheques addressed to Fallingbrook Presbyterian Church can be mailed to the church at
35 Wood Glen Road, Toronto, Ontario, M1N 2V8 or delivered to the church.